
Your brain is transplanted into someone else's body. Where would 'you' end up - and why?

What is essential as far as being 'you' is concerned?

Does physical resurrection require that we have immaterial souls?

If we produced an atom-for-atom duplicate of you would it 'be' you?

1 comment:

  1. First question:

    In my opinion "you" will end up in the body with your brain,because what makes "you" is your consciousness,your memories,your experience etc. not just the flesh.

    Physical resurrection question:

    Last question:
    It won't be you. I have thought about it before. there was a film called "Prestige".In this film Nikola Tesla makes a "teleporting machine" but when it was used it also created an atom-to-atom copy of the user. So the magician that used it didn't know if it was him standing there or he was the copy.

    So my opinion now:)

    i guess that it won't be you for yourself.IT will be the same person for everybody around. But let's imagine that they made the copy of you and after that kill you. If this statement("If we produced an atom-for-atom duplicate of you it 'be' you") will be true you won't be dead.BUt obviously for you you will be dead.
